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Author: Scottsdale Injury Lawyers LLC

How Attorney Fees Work in the American Justice System and at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers

A common misconception that clients have is that if they win their case they will be awarded attorney fees. However, the American justice system does not typically allow a prevailing...

State Farm Pays Quarter Billion to Stop Lawsuit Accusing it of Rigging Legal System

Last week, State Farm Insurance Company paid $250 million dollars to settle a lawsuit accusing it of civil racketeering. Most people know racketeering in a criminal context. One thinks of...

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Attend Settlement Conference In Wrongful Death Auto-Defect Case

On August 27, 2018, Scottsdale Injury Lawyer, Tony Piccuta, participated in a settlement conference in downtown Phoenix on behalf of his clients. Piccuta is part of a team of attorneys...

Piccuta Travels to Chicago to Attend Conference with Other Trial Lawyers

On August 10, 2018, the founding attorney of Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC, Tony Piccuta, flew to Chicago, Illinois to attend a conference with other trial lawyers. The conference was attended...

Settlement Approved For Three Children Who Lost Mother in Maricopa County Car Accident

On July 24, 2018, Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC obtained final approval of a settlement involving three minor children whose mother was killed in a 2016 car accident. The accident occurred...

Piccuta Reaches $80,000 Settlement in Case Involving Wrongful Sale of Storage Unit

On July 9, 2018, Scottsdale injury lawyer, Tony Piccuta, reached an $80,000 settlement against a storage facility on behalf of his client. The client had rented a unit in the...

Scottsdale Car Accident Lawsuit Settled for Two and a Half Times Initial Offer

This week, Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC finalized the settlement of a car accident lawsuit filed on behalf of its clients. The car accident occurred in Scottsdale in 2015 when the...

Piccuta Takes Sworn Statements in Case Where Arizona Client Lost Eyesight

On June 26th and 27th, Scottsdale injury lawyer, Tony Piccuta traveled to Ventura, California to take the sworn statements of Defendants in a maritime lawsuit. Piccuta filed the case in...

Sworn Statements of Treating Surgeon and Primary Physician Taken in Scottsdale Car Accident Case

This week, the sworn statements of two treating physicians were taken in a Scottsdale car accident case where the firm’s clients are a mother and daughter. In November 2015, the...

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers has Attorneys Licensed to Practice in Both Arizona and California

The founding attorney of Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC is Tony Piccuta. Piccuta is licensed in both California and Arizona. Piccuta took and passed the bar exams for Arizona, California, Illinois...
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