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Author: Scottsdale Injury Lawyers LLC

Scottsdale Civil Rights Lawyers Advance Arizona Civil Rights Lawsuit for Teenager Left Brain Dead After Beating at 4th Avenue Jail

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers has filed a new lawsuit against Maricopa County, its Sherriff and various individuals working at the 4th Avenue Jail in Phoenix, Arizona. The lawsuit was filed on...

What You Should Know About Big Rig Accidents In Scottsdale

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 4,237 accidents involving trucks happened in 2017 and caused 4,761 fatalities. While several accidents happen every day, those involving semi-trucks are some...

Will You Get More Money for Your Car Accident Injury if You Were Hit by a Drunk Driver?

On average, 30 people a day die from drunk driving accidents in the United States. Drunk driving accidents claim the lives of thousands each year, and result in countless hours...

Arizona Increases Minimum Car Insurance Limits to Provide More Protection for those Injured in Car Accidents

On July 1, 2020, a new law took effect that amended the minimum amount of car insurance coverage required for Arizona drivers. Effective July 1, 2020, the minimum amount of...

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Settles Three Personal Injury Cases for Clients in Scottsdale

In the past ten days, Scottsdale Injury Lawyers settled three personal injury cases. Two of the cases involved rear-end car accidents. The third case involved a premises liability lawsuit where...

Laws In Arizona are Aimed at Preventing Car Accidents Caused by Teens

Driving is a privilege and with it comes great responsibility. For teens, it is the first real taste of freedom. However, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) approximately...

Dangerous Scottsdale Intersection for Car Accidents – Pinnacle Peak Road and Pima Road

The offices of Scottsdale Injury Lawyers are located at 8700 E. Pinnacle Peak Road. This address is located on the Northwest corner of the intersection of Pinnacle Peak Road and...

Car Accident Attorneys from Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Hired to Help Woman With Spinal Disc Injury Caused by Motor Vehicle Accident on 101 Freeway

The car accident attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers were recently hired to help a woman who suffered spinal injuries caused by a car accident. Specifically, the woman was rear ended...

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Contacted by Woman Injured in Scottsdale Motor Vehicle Accident

On March 11, 2020, Scottsdale Injury Lawyers was contacted by a woman who was involved in a motor vehicle accident in North Scottsdale. The car accident occurred the day before...

Car Accident Attorney, Tony Piccuta, Settles Low-Impact Motor Vehicle Accident Claim

This week, car accident attorney, C. Tony Piccuta, settled a low-impact motor vehicle accident claim on behalf of a client. The client was referred to the firm by a friend....
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