Police Brutality Lawsuit Against Scottsdale Officer Underway
Just last week, the City of Scottsdale filed an answer to a lawsuit our police excessive force lawyers filed. The lawsuit was filed against one of the City’s police officers...
How Do Delays and Gaps In Medical Treatment Affect a Car Accident Claim?
Medical treatment is the single most important factor that insurance companies consider when paying out car accident claims. Insurance companies consider both the amount of the treatment as well as...
What Are the Differences Between California and Arizona Law for Car Accidents?
People always call our office wondering about the difference between Arizona and California law. In fact, often times, it is not even people who are injured. We get calls monthly...
SIL Hired to Represent California Residents Injured in Arizona Car Accident
The attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers were recently hired to represent an elderly couple seriously injured in an Arizona car accident. The couple are from California and live there. However,...
Injured By A Cactus? Our Attorneys Can Help You Recover Compensation.
Anyone who has lived in Arizona for a significant period of time has encountered a cactus. Many residents may even have suffered a cactus injury. Arizona is home to over...
How is a Child Injury Case or Personal Injury Case for a Minor Handled?
A child injury case is similar to an injury claim for an adult, yet different. The underlying claim has the same components. However, the procedural aspects are different in certain...
Dental Malpractice Lawsuit Against Edward Christensen and Christensen Oral Surgery Continues
Last week, the court issued an order in a dental malpractice case filed by Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC. The Order was issued by Judge Bachus in a lawsuit filed against...
Med Spa Sued by SIL for Causing Laser Injury and Burns During Laser Procedure
Last week, our firm received an answer to a lawsuit filed against a medical spa in the greater Phoenix area. The med spa held itself out as a place to...
SIL Obtains Record $11.75 Million Dollar Civil Rights Settlement Against Maricopa County and Sheriff Penzone
Scottsdale Injury Lawyers has finalized an $11.75 million dollar settlement with Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone and Maricopa County. The settlement was reached earlier this year and received final approval...
Understanding Your Car Insurance Coverage After A Car Accident
Car insurance is required by law in almost every state in the country. The majority of states have passed laws controlling how much and what type of coverages are required...