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Bringing An Injury Claim for a Car Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles

By: Scottsdale Injury Lawyers LLC November 17, 2024 no comments

Bringing An Injury Claim for a Car Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles

Most car accidents our law firm encounters are not multiple vehicle car accidents. Instead, they are two vehicle crashes. In the industry, these crashes are called “red car, blue car” accidents. They are usually straight forward and simple. One car is at fault and the other is not.

Multiple Vehicle Car Accidents

However, approximately 1 in 20 car accidents our law firm comes across involves a crash with more than two vehicles. We refer to these crashes as multi-car accidents or multiple vehicle car crashes. Our use of this term refers to any crash involving three or more cars.

How are Car Accidents With Multiple Vehicles Different?

A multiple vehicle car accident (three or more) is different than a simple two car crash. There are more parties involved and more individuals who can be found at fault. This also means that there may be more sources or insurance policies to recover from. This also means that there are more defenses available to those involved who are trying to shift the blame for fault.

Actual photo from client file showing multiple vehicle car accident.

Insurance Coverage Should Be Analyzed in a Multiple Vehicle Car Accident

In a car accident with multiple vehicles, it is important to determine what the insurance coverages are for those at fault early on. This is because the findings of fault will determine who will be responsible for paying damages for any injuries sustained. For example, if one of the drivers involved is uninsured, it may be favorable to have less of the fault apportioned to that driver. That is because any fault for which that driver is responsible may never be paid.

…it is important to determine what the insurance coverages are for those at fault early on.

A Person Injured in a Multiple Vehicle Car Accident Should Never Give a Statement

Car accident attorneys normally instruct those injured never to give a recorded statement to insurance. This is especially important in a car accident with multiple vehicles. As discussed above, a multiple vehicle car accident needs to be analyzed to determine which apportionment of fault is best for the client.

What if The Involved Insurance Companies Do Not Agree on Fault?

In multiple vehicle car accidents, it is not uncommon for insurance companies to disagree on the finding of fault. This is because the at-fault drivers may give different versions of events. In that situation, the insurance companies are obligated to believe their insured drivers unless there is other information proving otherwise.

A lawsuit may be needed if the insurance companies cannot agree on how to apportion fault. Although, the insurance companies can claim how much their drivers are at fault—ultimately a finding of fault by a judge or jury would control. This means that any finding as to fault by a judge or jury would trump any finding of fault by an insurance company. The finding of fault by a judge or jury would be binding and enforceable.

What Are Some Typical Car Accidents Involving Multiple Vehicles

Car accidents involving multiple vehicles can present in several different ways. However, some presentations occur more often than others. The multiple vehicle car accidents our attorneys encounter the most involve rear end car accidents, intersection car accidents and freeway car accidents.

These are the most common car accidents involving multiple vehicles:

  • Two-impact rear end crash
  • Multiple vehicle pile-up
  • Single rear end impact pushing vehicle into front driver
  • Intersection rear end crash pushing vehicle into right of way traffic
  • Freeway lane change accident resulting in loss of control of one vehicle

Two-Impact Rear End Crash

A two-impact rear end crash is perhaps the most common multiple vehicle car accident our attorneys encounter. This involves a stopping vehicle that is rear-ended from behind. After the initial impact, the second vehicle is rear-ended by a third vehicle. This results in two separate impacts.

In this scenario, the driver of the first vehicle is struck by two bullet vehicles. Both the second and third vehicles are responsible. However, the amount of damages that may be apportioned to either vehicle can be difficult to determine. Both vehicles are responsible for some degree of fault, but insurance companies may try to argue that one of the two impacts was more severe and caused the bulk of the injuries.

Diagram from police report showing a multiple vehicle pile up.

Multiple Vehicle Pile-Up

A multiple vehicle pile-up is another common presentation. These types of crashes normally occur on freeways. These can include a two-impact rear end crash, but usually involve more than two impacts.

Single Rear End Impact Pushing Vehicle Into Front Driver

Another common presentation for a car accident with multiple vehicles involves a rear end crash where a car is pushed into a car in front of it. This is a single impact crash. However, the force from the bullet vehicle causes one vehicle to collide into another. In these crashes, the last driver is responsible for any injuries caused to the occupants of the middle and front car.

Intersection Rear End Crash Pushing Vehicle Into Right of Way Traffic

Another type of multiple vehicle crash involves a vehicle that is rear-ended at an intersection and pushed into oncoming traffic. This type of car accident can result in very serious injuries and even fatalities. For this type of car accident to occur, the vehicle that is rear-ended is usually the first vehicle stopped at a traffic control signal or limit line.

Once that vehicle is struck from behind, it is pushed into oncoming traffic. This results in two very significant impacts. The first impact is from the rear and the next is from the side by oncoming traffic. Our office recently consulted the family member of a victim of this exact scenario. There, the family member’s sister died and her minor child was hospitalized in a coma.

A rear end crash at an intersection can lead to a second side impact if the rear-ended vehicle is pushed into oncoming traffic.

Freeway Lane Change Accident Resulting in Loss of Control of One Vehicle

An improper freeway lane change can often cause a car accident that turns into a crash with multiple vehicles. When improper lane changes are made at a high rate of speed, this causes a car accident where it is not unusual for one of the drivers to lose control of their vehicle. When this happens, the vehicle careens across the freeway and often causes a second significant crash. These types of car accidents can also lead to serious injuries and may even turn deadly.

Complications with Injury Claims for Multiple Vehicle Car Accidents

One complication in multiple-vehicle car accidents can be the number of injured drivers and passengers. When a single driver is responsible for causing injuries to the occupants in two or more vehicles, the greater the chance that several people were injured. When this occurs, there may be several individuals seeking compensation for their injuries from one limited source.

In this situation, the injured individuals must divide up the available insurance funds based upon how significantly each was injured. This can often lead to significant delays and arguments as each injured party is seeking a greater share of compensation. Unless the parties can all agree to the payout, the matter may have to be litigated, mediated or presented to a decisionmaker for a finding. The finding will then determine how much each injured individual will receive.

Payment of Claims are Often Delayed in Multiple Vehicle Car Accidents

If three or more people are injured in a multiple vehicle car accident, this can result in significant delays in receiving payment on a car accident claim. As explained above, payment is determined after analyzing the injuries of all individuals making a claim. Typically, this cannot be accomplished until every injured party has finished with medical treatment.

For example, take someone who suffers a soft-tissue injury that heals in 3-4 months. That person will have completed all treatment during that time. However, other individuals involved may have suffered more serious injuries that require years of treatment. In that situation, the person who suffered the soft tissue injury will likely have to wait until the other injured individuals have finished treatment. Only then can the insurance company make a decision as to the pro-rated amount of the settlement funds each injured person should receive.

Contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers If You Were Injured In a Multiple Vehicle Car Accident

If you or someone you love was injured in a multiple vehicle car accident, contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today. One of our experienced Scottsdale car accident attorneys is available to discuss your case. A consultation is free and we only earn a fee if we recover for you.

About the author: The content on this page was provided by Scottsdale personal injury attorney and civil rights lawyer Tony Piccuta. Piccuta graduated with honors from Indiana University-Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana (Previously Ranked Top 35 US News & World Report).  Piccuta took and passed the State bars of Arizona, California, Illinois and Nevada (all on the first try). He actively practices throughout Arizona and California. He is a trial attorney that regularly handles serious personal injury cases and civil rights lawsuits. He has obtained six and seven figure verdicts in both state and federal court. He has been recognized by Super Lawyers for six years straight. He is a member of the Arizona Association of Justice, Maricopa County Bar Association, Scottsdale Bar Association, American Association for Justice, National Police Accountability Project and Consumer Attorneys of California, among other organizations.

Disclaimer: The information on this web site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this page is attorney advertising. Reading and relying upon the content on this page does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, you should contact our law firm for a free consultation and to discuss your specific case and issues.

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