Car Accident Attorneys from Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Hired to Help Woman With Spinal Disc Injury Caused by Motor Vehicle Accident on 101 Freeway
Car Accident Attorneys from Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Hired to Help Woman With Spinal Disc Injury Caused by Motor Vehicle Accident on 101 Freeway
The car accident attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers were recently hired to help a woman who suffered spinal injuries caused by a car accident. Specifically, the woman was rear ended at a moderate to high rate of speed. The impact caused her head to move backward violently and then snap forward with great force. She suffered neck injuries in her cervical spine. She hired our firm to help her recover for her injuries.
The Details of the Motor Vehicle Accident
On March 3rd, 2020, the client was driving a BMW X-5 westbound on the 101 Freeway. After she passed the Cave Creek Road exit and before the 7th Street exit, she slowed her vehicle to a stop with traffic. However, the driver behind her failed to do so. As a result, the driver crashed into her with great force. Below on the left is the at-fault driver’s vehicle showing the damage following the car accident. Below on the right is the damage to the rear of the client’s vehicle from the motor vehicle accident.
The driver who hit the client was driving a 2000 Infiniti QX4. The QX4 that hit the client was a utility vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of between 5,000-6,000 pounds. Due to the heavy weight of the vehicle and the high speed at which it was travelling, the impact was with great force. Force is measured by mass multiplied by acceleration. The force transferred from the client’s vehicle and eventually into her body causing severe injuries.
Arizona Traffic Laws Usually Violated in a Rear-End Car Accident
Since the at-fault driver rear-ended the client, she likely violated two Arizona traffic laws. First, the at-fault driver violated Arizona Revised Statute Sec. 28-730. This statue is titled “Following to Closely.” Subsection (A) sets forth that “[t]he driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent and shall have due regard for the speed of the vehicles on, the traffic on and the condition of the highway.”
Second, the at-fault driver violated Arizona’s basic speed law. This law is set forth in Arizona Revised Statute Sec. 28-701(A). The law states that:
“A person shall not drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances, conditions and actual and potential hazards then existing. A person shall control the speed of a vehicle as necessary to avoid colliding with any object, person, vehicle or other conveyance on, entering or adjacent to the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to exercise reasonable care for the protection of others.”
Arizona’s Traffic Speed Laws Can Be Violated Even When Driving Slower Than the Posted Speed Limit
This law applies regardless of the posted speed limit. One may still violate the law even if they are going less than the posted speed limit if he or she is driving at a speed greater than is “reasonable and prudent under the circumstances.” For example, the posted speed limit on the 101 Freeway may be 65 Miles Per Hour, but one could still violate Arizona’s basic speed law if the traffic conditions are such that there is heavy stop and go traffic. The same could hold true based upon weather conditions, whether there is construction in the area, if the person is towing a load, etc. In short, the posted speed limit is not always controlling as to whether or not someone is driving at a speed that is safe or unsafe.
In short, the posted speed limit is not always controlling as to whether or not someone is driving at a speed that is safe or unsafe.
The Injuries Caused by the Car Accident
The client experienced pain and stiffness in her neck and back after the car accident. After these symptoms did not go away for several days and the client experienced difficulty turning her head, the client met with a medical doctor for evaluation. The client was prescribed pain medication and received a referral for x-rays. After the x-rays were examined and the client continued to have problems, she went back to a medical doctor who then referred her for a spinal MRI.
An MRI is better than X-rays or CT scans for evaluating soft tissues in the body such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and spinal discs. Whereas, x-rays and CT scans work better for bony structures in the body. For example, x-rays and CT scans may be a better option for examining vertebrae for fractures, spacing and alignment. The client underwent the MRI as instructed.

The Motor Vehicle Accident Caused a Herniated Disc Injury
Unfortunately for the client, the MRI revealed a disc injury. The MRI revealed a three millimeter disc extrusion that migrates two millimeters below the superior endplate. Essentially, the client has a disc herniation where the disc is displaced outside the normal confines of the disc. Herniated discs can impinge nerves travelling to the upper extremities (arms and hands) and lower extremities (legs and feet). When this happens, the results can be pain, pins and needles sensations, shooting sensations, numbness or muscle weakness. Even if a herniated disc does not impinge on a nerve root, it can still generate pain by inflammation.
The client has been referred to an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation and a course of treatment. That course of treatment may include conservative care which includes physical therapy, chiropractic care, stretching, acupuncture or other minimally invasive treatments. The course of treatment could also involve pain management including, but not limited to, steroid injections in the affected area. Finally, the course of treatment could include spinal surgery.
Typically, the course of treatment follows in the pattern set forth above, with conservative treatment first, followed by pain management and eventually surgery if the first two treatments do not solve the problem.
Typically, the course of treatment follows in the pattern set forth above, with conservative treatment first, followed by pain management and eventually surgery if the first two treatments do not solve the problem. No matter what the course of treatment is, the car accident attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers will be by the client’s side. We will help guide her through the treatment process and fight to obtain full compensation for her injuries when she is finished with treatment.
Contact an Experienced Scottsdale Accident Attorney to Handle Your Motor Vehicle Accident Case
If you or a loved one suffered an injury as the result of a car accident, contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today. A skilled accident attorney is available now to discuss your car accident case. A consultation is free of charge and we never charge a fee unless we obtain a recovery. Contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today.