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Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Attend Settlement Conference In Wrongful Death Auto-Defect Case

On August 27, 2018, Scottsdale Injury Lawyer, Tony Piccuta, participated in a settlement conference in downtown Phoenix on behalf of his clients. Piccuta is part of a team of attorneys representing the family members of a woman who was killed in a Mesa, Arizona car accident in 2016. The family members include the young children of the deceased woman and both of her parents.

A federal court lawsuit was filed on behalf of the family in Arizona district court. The lawsuit claims that the vehicle that the woman was operating was defective. Specifically, the lawsuit advances a product liability claim on the theory that the vehicle was not as safe as it should have been because it lacked side impact air bags. The lawsuit further claims that if the vehicle had been equipped with side impact airbags, the woman would have survived the crash.

Our firm is currently handling several auto defect cases. These cases involve death or catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries can include: traumatic brain injury, paralysis, spinal injuries, de-gloving injuries, multiple fractures, injuries resulting in the need for surgery, injuries leaving a client permanently impaired, among other life-altering injuries. Auto defect cases require serious injuries because the damages to our clients must be significant in order to take on the automakers and their teams of attorneys. We collaborate on these cases and form our own team of attorneys to represent our clients and give them the best chance at prevailing.

These cases are also expensive to prepare and litigation costs can exceed six figures. This is especially true if an accident simulation or other accident reconstruction testing is required. Hiring the right experts alone could costs tens of thousands of dollars. We are willing to advance these costs as required to win the case.

If you lost a loved one or if you or someone you love suffered a life-changing injury in a car accident, contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today. Not all personal injury attorneys appreciate the potential auto defect claims that may exist. It is not uncommon for our attorneys to spot a potential auto defect claim that other attorneys may have missed. Every car accident resulting in death or serious injury should be evaluated for potential claims against the manufacturers of the vehicles involved. Contact one of Scottsdale personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation.

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