Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Hired to Handle Dog Bite Case
Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Hired to Handle Dog Bite Case
Last week the personal injury attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers were contacted by a man who was attacked by a dog. The man suffered injuries as the result of a dog attack in Scottsdale. He required medical treatment for his injuries. He asked our firm to help him recover his expenses. Our firm agreed to represent him and pursue claims on his behalf.
Details About the Dog Attack and Dog Bites
The man was jogging through a neighborhood located in South Scottsdale near the Botanical Gardens. The street he was jogging down was near his home. As he was jogging down the street a vicious dog got loose from a property and began to chase him.
The client attempted to escape and found a low landscape wall that he attempted to use as a barrier. However, the dog eventually cornered him and he fell to the ground. He was bit several times in the legs and thigh. He also suffered injuries to his hands and arms as a result of the fall.

A nearby neighbor came to aid him when he called for help. The neighbor distracted the dog and it eventually began to chase the neighbor instead. The client was then able to escape to safety.
The Owner of the Dog that Bit Our Client
The dog owner came out after she heard the commotion and secured the dog. She appeared regretful for the dog attack. She blamed the dog getting loose on a broken gate of the property where she lived. She offered to take our client to the emergency room so he could receive treatment for his injuries.

The Treatment the Client Received After the Dog Bite
The client was taken to the emergency room of a local hospital. He remained there until the late hours in the morning. He had multiple puncture wounds in his legs. He underwent x-rays and a tetanus shot. His wounds were irrigated and dressed. He was discharged with antibiotics and pain medication.
The Injuries the Client Sustained From the Dog Bite
The client sustained puncture wounds in his lower left leg as a direct result of the dog bite. The wounds penetrated deep into the client’s muscle. As a result, he was unable to bear weight on his injured leg due to the pain. He also experienced nerve pain shooting throughout his left calf area.
His injuries included:
- Left calf soft tissue and muscle injury from puncture wounds
- Right calf cuts from bite and subcutaneous gas formation
- Upper left thigh bite with cuts and abrasions
- Right palm of hand bruised from fall
- Abrasion to left elbow
- Abrasions to let palm of hand
- Bruises, contusions and various other abrasions to rest of body

Reporting of the Dog Bite to Animal Control
After the client contacted our office, our dog bite attorneys immediately told the client to report the attack to Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. We provided him a link to their website where it describes his rights as a dog bite victim. The website describes the process for quarantine as well as how to report the bite. The site also includes information on what happens if the owner is cited.
The client reported the dog bite and a case was opened. Animal Control officers went to the dog owner’s residence several times in an attempt to make contact with her. Per the report, the owner did not answer the door or respond to Animal Control’s efforts to contact her.
The Property Owner
Our attorneys investigated the property. We learned that the property was owned by an LLC. It appeared the LLC was formed because the property was a rental.
Our attorneys noted who the members of the LLC were. We were able to locate the primary member of the LLC who was a successful architect. He was the real party in interest with respect to the ownership of the property.
Our Dog Bite Attorneys Contacted the Responsible Parties
After establishing who owned the dog and the property, our dog bite lawyers sent out letters to both. We eventually heard from the dog owner who claimed she had no insurance that would cover the event. We also heard from the insurance company who insured the owner of the property.
We contacted the owner of the property as he could potentially be held responsible if the failure to repair the gate was the reason why the dog got loose. He also could potentially be held responsible for any other failures that led to the dog attack. Further, we were not sure of the relationship between the owner of the property and the dog owner.
Insurance Coverage and Excluded Breeds of Dogs
Thus far, it is unclear if there is any insurance that will cover the attack and our client’s injuries. Often times, insurance policies that cover homes and renters, will exclude injuries caused by dangerous breeds of dogs. Some breeds of dogs are known to have vicious propensities and are more likely to attack or bite an individual. These breeds are often excluded from coverage under an insurance policy. They can include:
- Pit bull terrier
- Great dane
- German shepherd
- Rottweiler
- Chow Chow
- Doberman Pinscher
- Akita
- Bullmastiff
- Malamute
- Belgian Malinois
Some breeds of dogs are known to have vicious propensities and are more likely to attack or bite an individual.
Even if the dog is not considered a dangerous breed, it can still be excluded from coverage if not disclosed. In other words, if a renter or owner does not tell the insurance company that he or she has a dog, the insurance company may not be responsible for any resulting injuries. The insurance company is assessing risk when they write an insurance policy. Animals and dogs that bite can cause injuries and pose a risk. If those risks are not disclosed to the insurance company, then the insurance company can deny coverage and avoid responsibility.
Dog Bites and Animal Attacks Can Cause Permanent Physical Injuries
Dog bites can cause permanent injuries. This can include permanent nerve and muscle damage as well as broken bones. Serious dog bites almost always cause permanent scars. Depending on the location of the scars, these injuries can be life-altering and psychologically debilitating.

Dog Bites Can Cause Emotional and Psychological Injuries
Those who suffer a dog attack and are bitten often have psychological symptoms. Victims can be left with post traumatic stress disorder. They can develop a fear of dogs and other animals. Sometimes, these psychological injuries never heal or go away.
Contact An Experienced Attorney to Handle Your Dog Bite Case
If you or a loved one was a victim of a dog bite or animal attack, contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today. Our firm has experienced personal injury attorneys ready to handle your injury case. A consultation is free and we only earn a fee if we recover for you.
Click the following link to learn more about Arizona law concerning dog bites.
About the author: The content on this page was provided by Scottsdale personal injury attorney and civil rights lawyer Tony Piccuta. Piccuta graduated with honors from Indiana University-Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana (Previously Ranked Top 35 US News & World Report). Piccuta took and passed the State bars of Arizona, California, Illinois and Nevada (all on the first try). He actively practices throughout Arizona and California. He is a trial attorney that regularly handles serious personal injury cases and civil rights lawsuits. He has obtained six and seven figure verdicts in both state and federal court. He has been recognized by Super Lawyers for six years straight. He is a member of the Arizona Association of Justice, Maricopa County Bar Association, Scottsdale Bar Association, American Association for Justice, National Police Accountability Project and Consumer Attorneys of California, among other organizations.
Disclaimer: The information on this web site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this page is attorney advertising. Reading and relying upon the content on this page does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, you should contact our law firm for a free consultation and to discuss your specific case and issues.