SIL Hired to Represent California Residents Injured in Arizona Car Accident
SIL Hired to Represent California Residents Injured in Arizona Car Accident
The attorneys at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers were recently hired to represent an elderly couple seriously injured in an Arizona car accident. The couple are from California and live there. However, they were travelling through Arizona on a road trip. As they were passing through Yuma, Arizona, in the early morning, they were hit head on by a suspected drunk driver. They suffered serious injuries and were flown by helicopter to a nearby trauma center.
How the Car Accident Happened
On February 20, 2022, at approximately 4:30 AM, the clients were driving near Yuma, Arizona. The couple was traveling on South Avenue G. South Avenue G is a two-lane road that runs north to south. The posted speed limit is 50 miles per hour on the stretch of road where the crash occurred.
The clients were driving a 2012 Honda Civic northbound. Another driver was operating a 2015 Jeep in the opposite direction. The driver of the Jeep failed to maintain her lane of travel and crossed into the northbound lane. As a result, the Jeep slammed into the Honda civic at approximately fifty miles per hour.

The front driver side of the jeep came into contact with the front driver side of the civic. This created a high-speed head-on collision. The Jeep flipped and came to rest upside down on its roof. The civic ran off the road. Both vehicles were destroyed.
The at-fault driver claimed to have fallen asleep while driving. This caused her vehicle to cross over into the oncoming traffic lane. The investigating officer concluded that “alcohol appears to be a factor in the collision.” As such, it is presumed the at-fault driver was drinking prior to the crash or under the influence of alcohol at the time.
The crash was reported on by local news outlets in Yuma, Arizona.
The Injuries Sustained in the Car Accident
The couple suffered serious injuries as a result of the crash. Both were taken by ambulance to Yuma Regional Medical Center. However, after arriving at the hospital, the injuries to the husband were so severe that he was life-flighted by helicopter to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.
At St. Joseph’s Hospital, the husband was taken to the intensive care unit and his condition was deemed critical. He remained in the intensive care unit for several days. Eventually, his condition stabilized, and he returned to California.
He was diagnosed with several injuries including a fractured sternum, a fractured lumbar vertebra, multiple fractured ribs, severe intrabdominal hemorrhaging, bruises, contusions and lacerations. Unfortunately for our client, there was no real treatment for several of his most serious injuries. The fractured sternum, fractured ribs and fractured lumbar vertebra were all non-surgical. As a result, the only treatment for recovery was months of pain and suffering as the client waited for his fractures to heal.

The wife also suffered serious injuries, although not as severe as her husband. The wife was hospitalized for three days at Yuma Regional Medical Center. She suffered multiple rib fractures and severe intra-abdominal hemorrhaging. In other words, she had significant internal bleeding and broken ribs.
Both clients were older. The husband was sixty years old. The wife was in her fifties. As a result, the crash was especially traumatic. Their recovery has also proven difficult for the both of them.
Do I Need a California or Arizona Attorney If I am From California and Was Involved in An Arizona Car Accident?
Our office is contacted frequently by California residents who were visiting Arizona when injured. These injuries can arise from the following:
- Trip and Falls
- Car Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Slip and Falls
- Assaults
- Bicycle Accidents
- Boating Accidents
- Truck Accidents
- ATV or UTV Accidents
These individuals are often confused as to whether or not they need to hire an Arizona attorney or a California attorney. They often want to work with an attorney close to them in California, but also want to have an attorney familiar with Arizona law. Simply put, they are unsure on what exactly they need or who to hire.
The answer to this really depends on the circumstances of the case. In some situations, a California attorney may be suitable. For example, if the attorney is only going to resolve the case without litigation or against the client’s own insurance policy that was obtained in California.
On the other hand, an Arizona licensed attorney may be needed if a lawsuit needs to be filed. Typically, a lawsuit must be filed in the state giving rise to the injury or where the accident occurred. As a result, an attorney licensed in Arizona would be needed to sue the at-fault driver in an Arizona car accident. The same would be true if a lawsuit was going to be filed for a dangerous condition of public property that caused or contributed to the injury.
It is Best to Have an Attorney Licensed in Both Arizona and California
If you were involved in a car accident in Arizona but live in California, it is best to hire an attorney licensed in both states. The same is true if you were involved in a California car accident but live in Arizona. The reason for this is simple. There are several laws that apply from both states that may be involved in resolving the car accident case or claim.
In Arizona car accidents involving California residents, there are several areas of law where knowledge of both states’ laws could apply. These include the following areas:
- Insurance laws
- Health provider lien laws
- State Medicaid laws
- Tort laws
- Damages laws
- Subrogation laws
- Med Pay laws
As discussed below, there are several different areas of law that could apply to a typical car accident case. More importantly, these laws are very different in both California and Arizona.
Are There Differences Between California and Arizona Law for Car Accidents?
There are several differences between California and Arizona laws when it comes to car accidents. In fact, there are simply too many to list here. That is why it is important that you hire an attorney licensed in both states if you were involved in an Arizona car accident but live in California. Read our next blog post which discusses just some of the differences in the laws between the two states that could apply to your car accident case.
It is important that you hire an attorney licensed in both states if you were involved in an Arizona car accident but live in California.
Scottsdale Injury Lawyers Has Attorneys Licensed in Both Arizona and California
Charles Tony Piccuta is the lead trial attorney at Scottsdale Injury Lawyers. He is licensed in both Arizona and California. Piccuta passed the California Bar in 2008 and the Arizona Bar in 2010. He has been practicing law for nearly two decades. He has been practicing injury law in both states for more than ten years.
Piccuta is one of few attorneys who has obtained personal injury verdicts in both Arizona and California courts. He has record results in both states. He regularly practices in both Arizona and California. He actively handles cases in both states. While other attorneys may be licensed in both states, Piccuta actually and actively practices in both.
As a result, Piccuta is familiar with the laws of both states and the crossover between them. He is a contributing member of Arizona Association of Justice—the preeminent Plaintiff attorney organization in Arizona. He is also a contributing member of Consumer Attorneys of California. This is the California equivalent.

Contact An Experienced Injury Attorney Licensed in Both California and Arizona
If you are from California but injured in Arizona, contact Scottsdale Injury Lawyers today. Likewise, if you are from Arizona but injured in California, give our office a call. We have a skilled personal injury attorney, licensed in both states, who can assist with your case.
His knowledge of the laws of both states, will give you a distinct advantage in the handling of your injury claim. It will likely result in a greater payout to you. A consultation is free and you don’t pay anything unless we win your case or obtain a recovery. Contact us today to discuss your case for free.
About the author: The content on this page was provided by Scottsdale personal injury attorney and civil rights lawyer Tony Piccuta. Piccuta graduated with honors from Indiana University-Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana (Previously Ranked Top 35 US News & World Report). Piccuta took and passed the State bars of Arizona, California, Illinois and Nevada (all on the first try). He actively practices throughout Arizona and California. He is a trial attorney that regularly handles serious personal injury cases and civil rights lawsuits. He has obtained six and seven figure verdicts in both state and federal court. He has been recognized by Super Lawyers for six years straight. He is a member of the Arizona Association of Justice, Maricopa County Bar Association, Scottsdale Bar Association, American Association for Justice, National Police Accountability Project and Consumer Attorneys of California, among other organizations.
Disclaimer: The information on this web site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this page is attorney advertising. Reading and relying upon the content on this page does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, you should contact our law firm for a free consultation and to discuss your specific case and issues.